Locations for film, photography and events

Adapting Spaces for Filming and Photo Shoots: A Beginner's Guide

The creative vision of a project doesn’t always perfectly align with a space. The architecture might match what you're looking for, but the dimensions may not be ideal; or even if the space is nearly perfect, the surrounding environment may not meet expectations.

At Belmira, we offer a wide range of locations that can be adapted to meet client requirements. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider this flexibility when choosing a location, even if it doesn’t seem perfect at first glance. Additionally, clearly communicating the project’s needs and what you aim to achieve from the start is essential to ensure maximum transparency and efficiency in execution. We're here to help every step of the way.

Here are some professional tips on how to adapt spaces for filming and photo shoots:

1. Wall Painting and Wallpaper

One of the most effective ways to transform a space is by changing the color or texture of the walls. Choose tones that complement the style of your project or characters. If preferred, add wallpaper to create interesting textures and add depth to the environment. Who knows, the property owner might fall in love with the new changes!

2. Use Different Types of Lenses

Using lenses with different focal lengths can drastically change the perception of a space. Use wide-angle lenses to make the space appear larger and more open, or telephoto lenses to create a sense of intimacy and closeness, making the space appear smaller. This technique can be especially useful if the dimensions of the space are not the most appropriate.

3. Bring Furniture

The right furniture can make all the difference in a space’s atmosphere. Bring pieces that fit the desired aesthetic and help tell the story. From modern furniture to vintage pieces, furniture can be used to create unique and captivating atmospheres.

4. Add Props

Props are essential for adding authentic and realistic details to a set, as well as helping define characters. Using certain props like glass and mirrors can help hide unwanted elements, maximize space, and create artistic images with reflections.

5. Lighting as an Ally

Lighting is one of the most powerful tools in a film or photo shoot. Experiment with different light sources, shadows, and filters to create the desired mood. If there’s an area you don’t want to reveal, why not leave it in shadow?

6. Hide Unwanted Elements with a Green Screen

If the exterior of the location doesn’t fit your project’s narrative, consider using a green screen on the windows to create a digital background. The same can be done inside the space, if you want to hide a certain area in a room, or add a corner that doesn't exist. Post-production may not perform miracles, but it certainly helps.

At our location agency for filming and photo shoots, we are committed to offering the widest possible range of spaces to meet as many creative needs as possible.

We have the locations. Start taking advantage of them with us.